Serving the electrical utility
industry since 1920

Catalog Numbers and Ratings

Switch Voltage Rating Switch Current Rating Vacuum Bottles Per Unit Type SM
Catalog Weight, Lbs
Install Ship
46 600 2 SM04606-2 165 180
1200 SM04612-2 165 180
2000 SM04620-2 165 180
3000 SM04630-2 165 180
69 600 3 SM06906-3 240 255
1200 SM06912-3 240 255
2000 SM06920-3 240 255
3000 SM06930-3 240 255
115 600 4 SM11506-4 315 330
1200 SM11512-4 315 330
2000 SM11520-4 315 330
3000 SM11530-4 315 330