Current and Voltage Detection Board

Type: CVD
The Current and Voltage Detection Board (CVD) provides local detection of fault events in conjunction with motor operated pole-top switches, enabling local automatic or remotely controlled sectionalizing and fault isolation. In automatic mode, the CVD will initiate motor operation of the associated switch (open or close) after recognition of a valid fault event. In remote mode, a fault event triggers a contact closure through an RTU and operation of the switch is initiated remotely at the discretion of the utility personnel. The CVD utilizes current and voltage inputs provided by separate line post sensors, instrument transformers or similar devices.
The CVD monitors current and potential status on up to three phases. A fault event occurs when the current of any one phase exceeds a user specified threshold (amplitude and number of cycles) followed by a loss of potential for a specified length of time. The board is easily field configured for the desired fault threshold parameters. Field configuration requires no programming for the standard functionality. With factory modification, the CVD can be used for more complex automation schemes requiring timing and sequential coordination between multiple switches and breakers.
Frequently used for automatic switching to isolate faulted circuits in radial lines. Can also be used as part of a larger automatic fault isolation scheme with multiple switches in series. For questions about the application and use of the CVD for your automation project, please consult the factory for assistance.
System Attributes & Benefits
- Rapid implementation – Provides immediate fault isolation and automatic sectionalizing capabilities without the technical and communication issues associated with SCADA
- Easily configurable – No programming required for standard functionality
- Economical – Lower cost to purchase, install and operate than SCADA solutions.
- Fully compatible – Works with all brands of motor operators, disconnect switches, and current and voltage sensing devices
- Robust – Can be incorporated into more complex automation or SCADA applications as system requirements change
- 24/7 reliability – Controls your critical switching needs automatically without human intervention
Additional Information
Catalog Cut-Sheet (PDF 157 KB)