Motor Operator Mechanism

Type: SUB1
Torque: 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 30,000 inch-lbs
Operating Speed: 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-11 seconds
Motor Control Voltage: 48, 125 VDC
A single speed, torsional output motor operator for the control of group operated substation disconnect switches. This unit is will operate all configurations and brands of switches without limitation. It is efficiently designed to be powerful yet compact, with a small footprint and light unit weight.
Provides local and remote operation of substation switches up to 500 kV.
Features & Benefits
- Powerful gear mechanism and motor provides ample torque and speed for any switch configuration and size
- Simple, efficient design enhances product reliability
- Maintenance-free
- Low cost
- Easy to install
- Operates all makes and models of substation switches without limitation
Additional Information
Dimensional Data
Product Specifications (*PDF 47.6 KB)
Order Specification Checklist (*PDF 18 KB)
Catalog Cut-Sheet (*PDF 1,277 KB)
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